Guest Blogger:
Let me introduce myself – my name is Detective Sergeant Scott Backer, and I’m the lead character in the Operation Series of YA crime fiction thrillers by DJ Stutley. She’s been working on Operation Romeo Sierra since 2003… Will someone please tell her to get busy and get this case solved! I’ve been languishing in the depths of DJ’s computer for so long, that after 4 successful books, I feared she was not going to be able to continue our successful association.
Let me tell you where she went so wrong.
DJ was one of those writers who never made notes. The whole story unfolded in her mind as she wrote. When she began typing, with just the smallest spark of an idea, the story unfolded page by page. Even she had no idea what was going to happen in the next chapter. Don’t ask me how she did this, but she actually wrote the first 4 books in the Operation Series this way. Not one note on a scrap of paper anywhere!
Then in 2003, along came a real villain, who attacked her with a baseball bat because he wanted her car. Her injuries were significant – recovery was long and slow. By the time she sat down to work on Operation Romeo Sierra, the storyline had gone from her head. It was like she was reading it for the first time. She agonised over it for hundreds of hours, followed advice from numerous other authors and friends, before finally facing the awful possibility that she may never write again.
Fortunately her good friend and fellow author, Simon Higgins, suggested that she put Romeo away and write something new. So in typical DJ style, she had an idea, and started typing. This time she had a notepad beside her and jotted down any ideas that could be used in the story. To her surprise, she discovered that she was actually plotting! For the first time, she could see ahead, make notes and fill in the details. 6 weeks later, the first draft of Operation Uniform Echo was finished. 2 weeks later she sent it off to her writing mentor, Marg McAllister, who sent her an email saying ‘… you’re back!’
During the past 18months, DJ has been able to pick up the threads of Operation Romeo Sierra again and has managed to write 10 chapters. And I am excited to see how the case is looking :) She keeps telling everyone that Romeo will be finished by the end of the year. So come on, DJ – get busy! you’ve still got 5 chapters to go and hours of editing and proofreading ahead of you, and half the year has gone.
Lesson to all you writers out there: take notes, notes and more notes. Don’t leave ideas in your head where they can be traumatised away, never to be thought of again.
Scott Backer (& DJ)
(c) DJ Stutley 2012
Hey Scott, great to see you putting in an appearance. I’ve been following your career with great interest after a friend of DJ’s suggested I might be interested in reading all your case notes.
Operation Foxtrot Five was of particular interest to me as I had a similar case where I had to track down a thirteen year old runaway.
Yeah, I agree with you mate, DJ needs to get on with it. Nothing worse than having a case half solved – or worse; not having enough clues to progress past the first couple of hurdles. But knowing DJ and her determination, she’ll have you stamping “Case Closed” on the folder sooner than you think.
Hey listen, I’ll be over your way later this year, maybe we could catch up and compare notes.
Detective Sergeant Joshua Thomas
Melbourne Tactical Response Squad
This is classic! Two fictional characters communicating with each other – oh, how funny :) bless you, Lyn xx