Change and Dr Lee.
Every time I came home from a session with Dr Lee, I passed a Baskin Robins ice cream store. For the first few months I would buy myself a treat – a single cup of peanut-butter chocolate ice-cream. Then when I was challenged to become more adventurous, my very first step out of the usual was to order a different flavour of ice-cream. Not quite ready to let go of what was familiar, I began ordering two scoops – one of the usual and one of something else. This sounds funny now, but for me it was a huge step. It took me many years, but eventually I tried every flavour there was and over time I dropped back to ordering only one scoop and it was not peanut-butter chocolate. I still love the peanut-butter chocolate, but I don’t order it every time like I used to.
In the last 10 years, many things have changed for me. From the styles and colours of clothing, to decor styles, to foods and accompaniments. Like lemon cordial, and cranberry sauce, and mustard. Cranberry sauce and mustard (and lemon cordial) were things I used to watch my parents consume, and thought they were crazy. Orange cordial for me, thank you. And tomato sauce, or ketchup, or tomato sauce, or ketchup…
Looking back on the last 10 years, I feel that I am really living now, and it’s thanks to Dr Lee and my own hard work. It’s a big step to consider change, and an even bigger step to actually change something. But not everything has to change. I came across this quote, that helps me keep change in perspective.
You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler. ~Denis Waitley
Personally, I would take off the ‘You must’ and say, ‘Welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.’
Thanks for the recent visit. This post is a lovely example of how we can introduce change into our live in manageable ‘scoops’. Drastic measures don’t always work, but little forays can lead to just as much change in the long run. Well done!
Thanks Gabriela, I could not have put it better. LOL. It took me a whole blog to say what you said :)
But I wouldn’t have been able to say it without your blog!!
Ice cream? Is there any other flavour but chocolate? Or, perhaps triple chocolate with chocolate fudge sauce swirled through it. I never used to eat mushrooms (why eat something that tastes like dirt?) Now I love them on toast for breakfast or in wraps or even raw in salads. I tried oysters, but I’m afraid that was definitely a one-off experience. Some foods you can acquire a taste for, but there are some that are just a no-go for me. I agree, take the “you must” off the quote for something manageable and doable.
I am glad I found someone else who thought mushrooms tasted like dirt! My husband loves them and thinks I am absolutely nuts. I still don’t like them. What is so funny is when I was a child I use to make mud pies and…EAT them! Kind of weird I guess…
I totally get it. About 15 years ago, I had to deal with changes in my life. Every step was a baby step to accepting change. It does seem funny now, looking back, how those first steps toward change seemed so extreme at the time.
Change is good. It makes us stronger and better people.
Thanks, Diane. It took me a long time to understand that change was good.
Change is inevitable…we just have to look at it in a good light :-)