
Archive for June, 2013

Stranger than Fiction.

Lately I have read a number of ‘true’ stories and wondered how true they actually were. Did this type of thing really happen? Then I remembered I had one such story! Even my wildest imagination could not have dreamed up a story like mine. Some people call them coincidences, others call it divine intervention. Whatever you call it, sometimes things happen that leave you wondering. And I thank God that I’m still here to tell my story…

‘You are a breath from becoming quadriplegic,’ the neurosurgeon said.

I stared at him in disbelief as he took a hospital admissions form from his desk drawer and started filling it in. He continued. ‘If I wasn’t going away for the weekend, I would have you in hospital tomorrow. I will operate on Wednesday morning. You will have to make an appointment to see the anaesthetist. My secretary will give you the contact details.’ He finished the form and held it out, holding onto it as my fingers closed on the paper. ‘And if you are involved in a car accident and are hit from behind, you will be quadriplegic. So be very careful between now and next Wednesday.’

I was still in shock when his secretary handed me a white business card with Dr Hannon’s details (name changed for privacy).

Two days later, and half a city away, Dr Hannon called me into his room, gave me a brief glance from head to toe and promptly took a seat at the desk as he turned his computer screen so that I couldn’t see it.

I didn’t know what to do and just stood there, thinking that this was very strange.

He glanced up at me. ‘Take a seat,’ he said. ‘I’m just sending a message to the hospital.’ After a moment, he turned to face me and said; ‘Let’s start with previous operations.’

That is an odd place to start, I thought. ‘Well, in 2003 I had two foot operations, followed by another the next year-’

He interrupted me. ‘Have you ever had gynaecological surgery?’

‘Y…es,’ I said, a bit mystified. ‘Eighteen months ago. Actually I wonder if that’s why I’m here.’

He put his pen down, stared at a point on the floor and said; ‘Tell me.’

‘Well, I went in for a very simple procedure, and when I woke up I had this hard brick like thing in my arm and I couldn’t turn my head. Before the operation, I told the anaesthetist that he might not be able to find a good vein in my left hand or arm, but I had a really good one in my right hand which had been used 6 times in the last 5 years. But he was determined to prove me wrong. He kept trying from my hand all the way up my left arm until he found a vein. I watched him empty the entire needle of white liquid into the vein. Then he used the mask to put me to sleep. He came to see me later and apologised, saying that he’d missed the vein and injected the entire anaesthetic into the muscle of my arm. When I asked why I couldn’t turn my head, he said that my breathing passages had shut down before they could get the tube down my throat, so they had to hold my head back at such an angle that my airways would open on their own.’

‘What hospital was this?’


‘Who was the anaesthetist?’ he asked.

‘I don’t remember his name. But he was -’

Dr Hannon mentioned a particular nationality.

‘Yes,’ I said, wondering how he could possibly know that!

He said; ‘Dr S…’

‘Yes!’ Now I was starting to wonder if I should get up and leave. This was bordering on creepy.

He was looking at me. ‘You’ve had plastic surgery since then.’

Now I actually felt afraid. That was not written anywhere! There was no way that he possibly could have known that!  ‘Yes,’ I said hesitantly. ‘But that had nothing to do with this…’

He wasn’t interested in the plastic surgery and started his rapid fire questions again. ‘Was the operation in the afternoon?’

‘Yes, first on the list after lunch because of the latex allergy.’

‘Was the gynaecologist Dr Y…’


‘Do you know if anyone else had been called in to help?’ he asked.

‘No-one has ever spoken with me about what happened, but I know someone else had been there, because when I was coming around I could hear the nurses talking about someone being there.’

‘Do you know who that was?’ he asked.


‘It was me,’ he said. ‘I saved you.’

We sat there looking at each other for a moment, neither knowing what to say.

Eventually he said, ‘We have to listen to our patients. I don’t work there any more.’

I immediately thought, Who’s going to save the people now?

So… If I wrote romance novels, and had a dashing young doctor and a young woman he had previously saved, who would think it was possible? I for one, would have thought it was just a little far-fetched :) But truth really can be stranger than fiction. And no, I didn’t fall for the dashing young doctor, but he is one of my heros.



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Good Monday Morning to you, one and all. Have a great week, won’t you…Inspirational-Graphic-Quotes-Wallpapers-3

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This is my faithful K9 friend – an Australian Shepherd, Paige. But faithful and friend go only so far… When it comes to exercise, she doesn’t want to know me!

Paige jpegIf you don’t know much about Australian Shepherds, here’s a bit of background. The breed was developed in the western part of United States in the early 1800s. Although they are a working breed, they also excel at dog sports and are highly successful search and rescue dogs, detection dogs, and therapy dogs. It is not unusual to see Australian Shepherds with one brown eye and one blue eye – like Paige. They are known as a watch-dog rather than a guard-dog. A watch-dog will let you know if someone is around, but if you’re not around to protect the dog, the dog will likely hide.

For the past 11 weeks, I have been part of a University exercise study. I committed to doing a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise each week. I walk, ride a bike and  work with weights. So that I didn’t have to leave the house for long periods of time, I mapped out a walking circuit in the back yard. Paige thought it was great and bounded around with me once, then trotted around the next time, and after that, she disappeared. When I have more time and feel inclined to venture out, I either head to the shops or go the other way to the bridge. For the bridge walk, I’ve been taking Paige with me on a lead. At first, she was excited and pulling on the lead. But as the weeks went by, she became less and less enthusiastic. Last time I was ready to walk, she tilted her head to one side as if to say, ‘Do I have to go with you?’

I slipped the chain around her neck and urged her out the door. She was a step behind me all the way to the bridge and as soon as we turned around to come home, she perked up. I now have a new appreciation for that saying ‘Come on, you’re dragging on the chain.’

Sometimes it’s hard to find the enthusiasm and motivation to get my 150 minutes done, and it’s even harder when my dog doesn’t even want to do it!


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Good Monday Morning to you, one and all :)

Today’s inspirational quote comes from one of my favourite sites – the address is on the picture if you’d like to pay a visit.

eventually all the pieces2

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I have just finished the most frustrating edits I have EVER done! We are up to the lay-out stage (Type setting stage in Australia) and I requested almost 400 changes in 190 pages! 90% of the changes were to hyphenated words at the end of a line. And the winner is….. hospital- (on one line) ity (on the next line) = hospitality.

On a much happier note, my cute little picture book seems to be selling well in the US. I just wish it could get on the shelves here in Australia. Sales figure below…

small IDM


Between January – March 2013, a total of 1452 books were sold. Next statement will hopefully have a cheque worth banking.

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Good Monday Morning to you all :) Here’s my inspirational quote for the week. Have a great week, won’t you – and aim high!


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The Operation Alpha Papa book trailer has been posted on the Tate website. I think this is their best effort yet. Two more books to go – wouldn’t it be wonderful if they keep getting better :)




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