Comments on: Family Fridays week # 29/13 Tales of life and writing Sat, 07 Dec 2013 01:21:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: stutleytales Thu, 18 Jul 2013 23:00:39 +0000 I can just picture you doing that :) Perth is one of those special cities where smoking has been prohibited in a lot of public places. So it’s a pleasure to sit outside for a meal or coffee now.

By: Lyn Thu, 18 Jul 2013 22:51:51 +0000 I never sit on the sidewalk to have my coffee…that’s where all the smokers sit. Give me a table against a wall (doesn’t matter which wall) where I can easily catch the eye of the Barista and hold my coffee cup upside down and pretend I’m dying of thirst. Mind you, I only do that at my favourite cafe where they know exactly what I will order for either breakfast or lunch ;-)
