My glass of water lesson.
I was hot, tired and frustrated the other day, so I picked the largest glass I could find and fixed a cool glass of cordial. I had just taken a refreshing sip, when my granddaughter turned up, looking with envy at the condensed water droplets running down the side of the glass.
‘Is that cold?’ she asked.
‘Yes, it’s VERY cold.’
‘What is it?’
I hesitated, knowing she wasn’t allowed cordial or juice unless it was a special occasion. ‘It’s cordial.’
‘Is it good for you?’ she asked.
‘No,’ I said bluntly, hoping to discourage further conversation.
‘Then why do you drink it?’
I looked down into her brown eyes. She waited patiently for an answer and I was momentarily lost for words. ‘Because,’ I said sadly, ‘sometimes I don’t do what I know is good for me.’ I smiled. ‘I’ll have water next time.’
She smiled, nodded, and skipped away, leaving me looking at my refreshing glass of sweet, chemical laced liquid. It sure didn’t have the attraction it did only moments before!
(c) DJ Stutley 2015
LOL kids! They do it to you every time :D They’re too smart for our good.
Was playing “restaurant” with my granddaughter (aged 3)
Waitress Bella: “What would you like to order?”
Me: I’ll have some carrots, and beans, and mashed potato and some pizza.”
Waitress Bella – pausing from her scribbles to point her pencil at me accusingly, “No! Pizza is a sometimes food.”
ha ha good one, Lyn L :)