Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
Here in Australia we have just remembered our fallen and serving military personnel. Now is the ‘season’ of remembering those who fought for our freedom. An emotional time for many.
The word ‘season’ is usually used in the context of weather. Tornado season, Summer, Fire season and so on…
But life has seasons too. For a while, I was a daughter and sister. Then I became a wife and mother – while still being a daughter and sister. My parents both died and I was back to being a sister, wife and mother. Now I’m a grandmother, Aunt and Great Aunt.
For a ‘season’ I was a correspondence teacher to my children, I’ve been a secretary using my typing skills, and the list goes on…
This is called LIFE. And what ever is going on in your life at this time is simply a ‘season’. So look out a window or up at the sky. What happened when you did that? Your chin lifted :) So, chin up and enjoy your season.
Love to you all,
‘Looking up’ is the words for this week I think. My draft post has that as its title and I’m just waiting for my busy self to take a photo to go with it.
When we get caught up some situations it is important to remember it is just a season. Thanks for the reminder. 🌻🍁❄️🌷
I think the Duchess of Cambridge would appreciate this post at the moment – she’s seven days overdue. Queenslanders will be glad when the rain is over – they;re expecting up to 400mm of rain today. Then there’s my blogging friend, Kelly, who has just posted about the “season” of having her college-age kids home for May break and all the implications that go with it :)