
Posts Tagged ‘bad things’

Good Monday Morning to you, one and all. Here’s a quote that summarises the last 10 years of my life. I’m working on parts of my story now, and will bring you little snippets in the future. Until then, take note…

bad:good things


Have a great week :) 


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Good Monday Morning to you all :)

Last week I felt as though I was running on empty.  So far this year, I have had one operation and had another postponed till next year. I have seen a Doctor, Dentist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Prosthodontist, Anesthetist, a Podiatrist Surgeon,  Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Neurosurgeon, Urological Surgeon, Haematologist, Neurologist, Naturopath and a Clinical Psychologist.  I’ve had an Ultra sound, Xray, MRI and a CT scan. I have successfully undergone EMDR therapy, had a malignant tumor removed and chemo treatment. 

It’s been quite a year. And as the end of 2012 approached, I was tired and down-hearted. I thought about giving up on many things. And then, out of the blue comes a pick-me-up from friends on the other side of the country…

photo-24I ducked out for a few minutes on Friday evening at about 7 pm, and returned home to find that a beautiful potted rose with a new bloom and a bud ready to open had been delivered. Something so simple had a profound affect on me. It was like being infused with encouragement and enthusiasm. I believe I can keep going. 

Thank you, my friends at Sunset Publishing: Darryl, Sue and Jean. 

No matter how bad things are, there is always some good to be found. And no matter how good things are, there is always something bad that must be faced. God has blessed me, and I feel like a winner!


(c) DJ Stutley

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