
Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Good Monday Morning to you all :) There is change in the wind… Summer in Australia is over, but that’s not the only change.

I’ve been blogging three times a week now for 9 months, had more than 5000 hits on my site since I started, and visits from 15 different countries in the last month.

It has been a lot of fun as I explored my personal pattern of blogging. I like my Magnificent Mondays, Writing Wednesdays and Family Fridays too much to drop any one of them, but I need to create more time for other things. 

So I’ve decided that I will only blog once a week. Depending on what is happening in my life, I will post in either Magnificent Monday, Writing Wednesdays or Family Fridays. 

This will allow me to spend more time doing school visits and writing workshops with students, have breakfast with friends :) , participate in other activities (that I will talk about later), sit out on my deck…

Thank you all for your support, encouragement and comments. 

Quote for the week: Until you can manage your time, it is impossible to manage anything else. Peter Drucker

Have a great week and I’ll see you all on either Monday, Wednesday or Friday :)


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Today I had my hair cut by a very talented young man, Sarj. He’s the only person I’ve come across who can cut my curly hair so that for the next month it looks nice even when it’s windblown. I always come away feeling great. He greets me with a smile of recognition, and calls me ‘darling’, ‘sweetheart’ and ‘my dear’.

I was early today, and sat and watched him weave his magic with a pair of scissors and a comb. His client had arrived only seconds before me, looking frazzled. Her thinning short hair flat against her head. When he’d finished, he’d totally transformed the woman in the chair. She was smiling and had a hair style that resembled one of the posters. He called her ‘darling’ and urged her to enjoy the rest of her day. She went out with her head held high and a smile on her face. Then it was my turn…

I wonder if Sarj has any idea the effect his words, and skill with the scissors, has on his clients.

More often than not, we have no idea how our words affect others. I was surprised and humbled this week to read the following on another blog.

Stutley Tales often reminds me that there are blessings from above and no matter what struggles we have, we can gain strength by looking to the heavens for guidance.  She is a nice example of that and I would love it if she lived in my neighborhood, so I could visit with her regularly.  Despite some very difficult struggles, she always finds the beauty in the most simple happenings.

Thank you, Nancy, for your kind words.


(c) DJ Stutley 2013

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Today I would like to encourage you to read a blog by Clancy Tucker. Get your thinking caps on, and be thankful that you were not an 8th grader taking their final exam back then ….

Clancy’s Blog here


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me to you :)

Christmas bow

It has been 30 weeks since I started my blog, and in that time my blog site has had more than 3,600 hits.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. And thank you for all the lovely (and sometimes funny) comments that have been left.

Blogging has certainly been a learning curve and in the early days I spent hours agonizing over what to write. At times I sat looking at a blank screen just willing something to come… Other times I wrote, deleted, wrote again and deleted again, then sat looking at the empty screen. Yet at other times I had so many ideas they were sitting in calendar just waiting for post time. I have really enjoyed blogging, and have made some lasting friendships. Next time we go to Texas, we will be calling in on a new friend, and I have an invitation to stay from Italy and the UK if I ever end up there. 

Blogging has opened up a whole new world for me. Through the eyes of other bloggers, I have seen whales frolic off the coast, I’ve driven down lonely highways through Kansas. I’ve looked out over a bay in Italy and packed up a house in Seattle :) I know more Texas history than I did a year ago, and I’ve collected more recipes than I have a hope of making. It’s been a wonderful ride.

 Next year I may have to drop down to one post a week as I face more medical appointments and surgery while keeping up with my Tate Publishing commitments and my local school activities. 

Thank you one and all, for being part of my blog family, and I’ll see you in 2013.

A thought to end the year: It is choice, not chance, that determines our destiny.


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