Time for a writing update :)
The US version of Operation Foxtrot Five is on sale. So is Operation Delta Bravo, and so is my picture book, It Doesn’t Matter.
Operation Alpha Papa has been edited and is ready for print. Operation Tango Two-Two and Operation Uniform Echo are with the Tate editor. Cover design hasn’t started with these books.
My Book Trailer for Operation Foxtrot Five has had over 200 hits at last count :)
The Australian version of the Operation series (all 5 books) continues to sell in Australia. Sales are slow, but at least orders are still coming in. http://www.bushytailbooks.com/books.html
On the home front, special thanks go to Margaret and Kate – two editors I have not had the pleasure of meeting in person – for all the work they did when I was so sick and unable to fulfill my contractual commitments with Tate Publishing. They stepped up and took over the corrections and final edits on two books. Their friendship, support and wonderful work gave me a chance to recover without the stress of trying to keep up with the writing side of things.
My Social Media following is growing surprisingly fast. The Facebook Fan page has had over 200 ‘likes’, and my Twitter following keeps growing by the day. How does that happen?
For those who are interested, my networking sites are listed below. Some are still in the development stage, but most are up and running.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authordjstutley
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/edit?trk=hb_tab_pro_top
Blog: https://stutleytales.wordpress.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DJStutley
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/djstutley/
YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/embed/yEgWgHAkCZ4