
Posts Tagged ‘change’

Good Monday Morning to you all :) There is change in the wind… Summer in Australia is over, but that’s not the only change.

I’ve been blogging three times a week now for 9 months, had more than 5000 hits on my site since I started, and visits from 15 different countries in the last month.

It has been a lot of fun as I explored my personal pattern of blogging. I like my Magnificent Mondays, Writing Wednesdays and Family Fridays too much to drop any one of them, but I need to create more time for other things. 

So I’ve decided that I will only blog once a week. Depending on what is happening in my life, I will post in either Magnificent Monday, Writing Wednesdays or Family Fridays. 

This will allow me to spend more time doing school visits and writing workshops with students, have breakfast with friends :) , participate in other activities (that I will talk about later), sit out on my deck…

Thank you all for your support, encouragement and comments. 

Quote for the week: Until you can manage your time, it is impossible to manage anything else. Peter Drucker

Have a great week and I’ll see you all on either Monday, Wednesday or Friday :)


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Change and Dr Lee.

Every time I came home from a session with Dr Lee, I passed a Baskin Robins ice cream store. For the first few months I would buy myself a treat – a single cup of photo-26peanut-butter chocolate ice-cream. Then when I was challenged to become more adventurous, my very first step out of the usual was to order a different flavour of ice-cream. Not quite ready to let go of what was familiar, I began ordering two scoops – one of the usual and one of something else. This sounds funny now, but for me it was a huge step. It took me many years, but eventually I tried every flavour there was and over time I dropped back to ordering only one scoop and it was not peanut-butter chocolate. I still love the peanut-butter chocolate, but I don’t order it every time like I used to.

In the last 10 years, many things have changed for me. From the styles and colours of clothing, to decor styles, to foods and accompaniments. Like lemon cordial, and cranberry sauce, and mustard. Cranberry sauce and mustard (and lemon cordial) were things I used to watch my parents consume, and thought they were crazy. Orange cordial for me, thank you. And tomato sauce, or ketchup, or tomato sauce, or ketchup…

Looking back on the last 10 years, I feel that I am really living now, and it’s thanks to Dr Lee and my own hard work. It’s a big step to consider change, and an even bigger step to actually change something. But not everything has to change. I came across this quote, that helps me keep change in perspective.

You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.  ~Denis Waitley

Personally, I would take off the ‘You must’ and say, ‘Welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.’


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Here’s another Dr Lee story…

He stopped suddenly, pen poised ready to write. Then completely out of the blue, he asked, ‘Do you think change is good, or bad?’

I thought for a moment then said, ‘Bad.’


‘Because if nothing changed, everything would go along the same. Everyone would know where they stood at all times. Nothing would be a shock. If life was predictable, you’d know what to expect.’ I nodded, confirming what I’d voiced. ‘Change is bad.’

Dr Lee was silent for a moment, just looking at me. Finally he said, ‘Well I happen to think that change is good.’ He continued drawing up the chart he wanted me to fill in over the next week, tore the page off and handed it to me.

I was stunned. I don’t remember much of what we discussed after that, but all the way home I went over and over his words. If he thought change was good, then he must be right. But why would he think change is good? What was I missing?

Over the next week, I tried really hard to see how change could be good. At first I applied it to myself, and could see for the first time that I was changing. That was a shock. My whole thought process was changing. And it was good. I was doing things I never thought I would do. Going places that I never dreamed I would drive to. Wearing different colours. The more I thought about it, the more good I could see.

By being willing to change, I began substituting one behaviour/belief for another. I became less afraid, and more courageous. I became less timid and more bold. I became less inward looking and more outward focused.

Not all changes are good, I know that. But, yes… change can be good.


(c) DJ Stutley

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Good Monday Morning to you all :)Accomplish your purpose

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Good Monday morning to you all :)

My orange tree has only a few oranges left to pick. They’ve been simply wonderful this year. The poor little tree is only as tall as I am, yet we’ve been picking oranges for over almost two months.

On the 23rd of March this year, I picked my first Gladiola. Today I picked my last one. Not bad for a growing season of almost 4 months.

My white double-ruffled hibiscus bush has shed nearly all its leaves, and I actually wondered if it was dead.

Change… Some people embrace change, others run from it. Change can challenge us and make us feel uncomfortable for a time. Change can also excite and inspire us. If we don’t change, we become stagnant and stale. We need change in order for us to grow. Embrace change, my friend… and grow!


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