
Posts Tagged ‘families’

Today my red lid dish was given back, and for the first time I felt the uncomfortable prick of tears of sadness about my daughter moving away.

We have this glass dish that passed from her to me and back again for years. Whoever had the dish, had to fill it with something and give it back. Sometimes it would contain a few pieces of chocolate cake or something like that. Other times it was filled with dinner for my daughter who occasionally worked late. She would call from work and ask if someone could pick her up from the train and take her home – then I would divide our meal into three and give her the red lid dish. She would return it with something she’d made on the weekend.

She’s moved away and I’ve been left with the dish and many happy memories. That’s what ‘family’ is all about…

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I love Mondays – I always have. There is a Galic Proverb that says “Monday is the key day of the week”.

As a child, Mondays were always filled with hope. It was a new day, a new week. Who would I see at school? What would I learn? Would my teacher like my homework? I was always up early, bag packed and practically running out the door. I loved Mondays!

As an adult and mother of 4, Mondays took on another meaning. I was still up earlier than usual, had the lunches made, bags packed and notes signed. Once breakfast was over and the last child had left the house, the next six hours or so were mine! All mine… I would pick up toys and put them away and know they were going to stay there for the next six hours. I could clean without asking someone to move. I could sit outside with a coffee and know I was not going to be interrupted. I could eat that last piece of cake and not have to share it… After a busy weekend, Mondays was my ‘stay home’ day and I had the hourse to myself. I loved Mondays!

And now… guess what? I still love Mondays. I wake up Monday morning and smile and say, Good-morning, Lord. It’s Monday :)

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