
Posts Tagged ‘friends’

A story from my family

When my son was 17, he had two special friends and they did everything together. Andrew was the only one with a driver’s licence and a car, and they would often take off after work and end up anywhere. They were good kids, and we never worried about what they were up to.

One particular summer night, they ended up at the basketball courts at South Beach. The three of them had only just started playing when a couple of police cars pulled up and parked. Moments later, 3 of the four officers approached the boys. They asked their names, then challenged them to a game of 3 on 3. The boys were surprised, and hastily agreed.

As the fully armed officers and teenage boys raced up and down the court, cars began pulling over to watch. People started coming out of their houses and sitting on the stone wall. There was much cheering as the lead changed time and again. The boys put up a good fight, and it was a close game. Afterwards, there was handshakes all round and the officers walked back to their cars.

The boys were covered in bruises from the handcuffs and swinging batons hanging on the officer’s belts, and they were still on such a high when they got home.

‘Who won?’ I asked, knowing how competitive these boys were.

‘They did,’ he said with a grin. ‘But it didn’t matter. This has been the best night of my life and something I will never forget.’

Something so simple had such a profound affect on spectators and three teenage boys. Never underestimate the influence you can have on others. Your actions say much.


(c) DJ Stutley 2012

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