
Posts Tagged ‘grandma’

Good Monday Morning to one and all :)

wandYesterday I was on the receiving end of some MAGIC.

My granddaughter  (almost 6 years old) held her sparkling blue wand high (pictured) and said, ‘What do you want to be, Grandma?’

I said, ‘I want to be a princess Grandma.’

She closed her eyes, waved the wand around and suddenly stopped. Her eyes popped open and she had a huge smile on her face. Very seriously, she told me, ‘You can’t see it, but you are very beautiful.’ She leaned in really close. ‘Now remember, you can’t see it,’ she said as she took off, intent on something else. 

But her words hit home! How often do we fail to see the beauty that is already inside us, that other people see?


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I am thrilled to know that we are going to be grandparents again :)

We have 4 grandchildren now, aged 4 and under, with one due in September and another due next year. I love being a Grandma – but I often wonder what the role and responsibility of being a grandparent is. Surely there more to it than being a babysitter, sneaking lollies to the little ones, cutting off the bread crusts while their mother is not looking, letting them watch cartoons, reading them bedtime stories…

You see, I grew up with no grandparents around, and my children grew up having little contact with grandparents. So I don’t have a role-model to follow. I don’t even have any memories to fall back on.

So it is up to me to create good ‘Grandma’ memories for my grandchildren and my children. My attitude towards them and the things I do with them now will be what they remember. It’s a huge responsibility and I am happy to receive advice.

If you’re a grandparent and have advice for me, please pass on your thoughts.


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