
Posts Tagged ‘illustrations’

I have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions this week – A high, then a low, then another high :)

High: I received the print ready PDF of ‘It Doesn’t Matter’. It’s the first time I’ve seen all the illustrations and they are gorgeous! Thank you Katie Brooks. I am absolutely thrilled to bits and cannot imagine a better looking book. The first hardback copy is being express posted to me and I should have it in my hot little hand by Friday! So exciting :) Happy, happy, happy.

Low: I have started on the first edits of Operation Alpha Papa, and I am really struggling to accept what they are asking me to do. This is the third edition for Alpha Papa, and I don’t understand why they want it changed so much from what has been a successful book for so many years. But, I will keep going and see if I can feel happier and make it work.

High: Book one of the series, Operation Foxtrot Five has been released in the US. For those interested or curious, here’s the link to the Tate online bookstore.

I get a higher royalty percentage for books sold through their online store. It is also available in B & N, and Amazon (I believe – haven’t checked it out yet).


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Today I thought I’d give an update of the various projects on the go…

1. The picture book is up to creating the story board – I will soon see all the illustrations and there will be a small window to make any changes. But Katie is doing such a great job, I’m not expecting to have to make changes :) The book will be in print late October.

2. I’m guessing that Foxtrot has been printed, though I haven’t actually heard.

3. Delta is nearing the typeset stage.

4. Alpha has just started the first edit stage.

5. Romeo is still languishing in the depths of my computer, unworked for about 6 months now :(  I’m coming, Romeo, I’m coming…

6. I’ve pulled out some of my other picture book ideas and are seeing which ones are worth pursuing.

7. Scripting has started on the movie trailer – they hope to start filming in September. At this stage, there is just going to be a 5 minute trailer to gauge interest in making the ‘Operation’ Books into a TV series.

As you can see, there is plenty happening on the writing front :)



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Today I thought I’d share my top two favourite short stories that have come out of my school writing workshops. We have some creative kids out there :)

1. I gave them this task: Write a story from the point of view of an apple, sitting in a fruit basket on your kitchen counter, observing life around it.

Yr 5 boy who hardly ever attended school, was there for each of my 4 school writing workshops. He wrote: I am a green apple. I don’t like being a green apple. I want to be a red apple. One day someone put some strawberries in the fruit bowl. One got squashed on me and now I am red. And I am happy.

2. Yr 9. I had the students create a class story using their senses. This is what they came up with:

It was a dark moonlit night. The crickets cricked in the tall grass. The front door slowly creaked open and I went inside. At first the house smelt damp and musty. Then smoke from a fireless fire-place filled the lounge room. To escape the smoke, I headed upstairs. The banister felt gritty with a layer of dust and I wiped away the cobwebs that fluttered against my skin. The staircase opened out into a huge room with a single door in the far wall. I crossed the floor and gently pushed the door open. A white cat shot out the door and raced across the room and disappeared down the stairs. The door closed behind me – trapping me. Inside the room was a glass casket with Snow White inside. Beside the casket was a skeleton down on one knee holding up an engagement ring. Beside the casket was a box of Turkish delight. I took one. I took a bite. It was sweet. Suddenly I turned into a white cat…

Aren’t they great?

For those who are following the progress of my first picture book (due out in September) I’ve uploaded a couple draft illustrations at https://www.facebook.com/authordjstutley

Take care,





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