
Posts Tagged ‘light’

Good Monday Morning to you all :)

Following my Magnificent Monday # 21, I’ve been touched by the well wishes of my blogging family, and their interest in how I’m doing. For those who are new to my blog, you can read my entry about preparing to die here

I’m doing very well. The tumor was a mid to high grade cancer, and my surgeon said he got it all. Bladder tumors are nearly always cancer, and there is a 30% chance that it will grow back and it could come back even more aggressively. But my surgeon, the wonderful young Mr Pemberton, intends to stay on top of things and I am already booked into hospital for February next year so that he can ‘go in for another look’ rather than rely on ultrasound.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve had to trust a growing number of health professionals from foot surgeons to neurosurgeons and many in between! Someone asked me if I felt it was always raining in my life, because I seem to lurch from crisis to crisis.

‘Sometimes,’ I replied. ‘But it just means I have to find a bigger and stronger umbrella each time.’

To start this week off, let me share my favourite Irish blessing…

An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

Have a good week and thank you, my friends.


(c) DJ Stutley 2012

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Have you ever thought how remarkably perceptive children are? They constantly observe, listen, and process what they absorb to the level of their understanding. But sometimes what they observe and understand is a little off the mark.

One of our daughters had just moved out of home and into a place of her own. It was just getting dark when I arrived at her house, and after letting me in, she went and turned on the back outside light, leaving the curtains open. I asked why she did that and she replied,’So that no one can see in.’

I was confused, and quizzed her further. She replied, ‘But you always did that.’ Did I…? I went over my nightly routine, and eventually the ‘light’ went on. My dog was afraid of the dark. So every evening when I put her out for a nature call, I put the back light on, leaving the curtain open at the door so that I could see when she was ready to come back inside. I took my daughter outside and disproved her theory, while I explained why I left my curtain open with the back light on.

Another daughter was busy moving into her first place away from home, and I was helping her settle into her kitchen. She looked around and asked, ‘Where am I going to put my dishes? I don’t have a pantry.’

‘Put them in the cupboards under the benches,’ I suggested.

‘But you never did. All your dishes are in the pantry.’

So I explained that the only reason my dishes were in the pantry, was because I had a back injury and couldn’t bend down to get them out of low cupboards. So a shelf on the pantry at a good hight  meant that I could set the table and put away clean dishes without pain.

Just goes to show that what we do and say can have a powerful influence on those who watch/listen.


(c) DJ Stutley 2012


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