
Posts Tagged ‘season’


Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

Here in Australia we have just remembered our fallen and serving military personnel. Now is the ‘season’ of remembering those who fought for our freedom. An emotional time for many.


The word ‘season’ is usually used in the context of weather. Tornado season, Summer, Fire season and so on…

But life has seasons too. For a while, I was a daughter and sister. Then I became a wife and mother – while still being a daughter and sister. My parents both died and I was back to being a sister, wife and mother. Now I’m a grandmother, Aunt and Great Aunt.

For a ‘season’ I was a correspondence teacher to my children, I’ve been a secretary using my typing skills, and the list goes on…

This is called LIFE. And what ever is going on in your life at this time is simply a ‘season’. So look out a window or up at the sky. What happened when you did that? Your chin lifted :) So, chin up and enjoy your season.

Love to you all,



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Good Monday morning to you all :)

My orange tree has only a few oranges left to pick. They’ve been simply wonderful this year. The poor little tree is only as tall as I am, yet we’ve been picking oranges for over almost two months.

On the 23rd of March this year, I picked my first Gladiola. Today I picked my last one. Not bad for a growing season of almost 4 months.

My white double-ruffled hibiscus bush has shed nearly all its leaves, and I actually wondered if it was dead.

Change… Some people embrace change, others run from it. Change can challenge us and make us feel uncomfortable for a time. Change can also excite and inspire us. If we don’t change, we become stagnant and stale. We need change in order for us to grow. Embrace change, my friend… and grow!


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