
Posts Tagged ‘strength’

Meet my new ‘best friend’.

watchThis heart monitor and watch are going to be my new best friends for the next 12 weeks.

I was invited by my surgeon to be included in a university based study to see if there is a link between exercise and depression among cancer patients. I agreed to see if I was eligible, and I am. So… Wednesday I headed to the University over an hour away from my house. All was going well till I got to about 20 km from my destination. I say ‘about’ because that’s when the GPS screen went black and I panicked. It felt like my heart had dropped into my stomach and my legs began to shake. Thankfully, the night before I had studied the street directory diligently for about half an hour seeing all the various ways I could get there. And beside me on the passenger seat was my backup plan. I was familiar with the road till I got to a certain point, and on an A4 sheet of paper I had written in big letters: R – Wannaroo Rd, L – Ocean Reef Rd, R – Joondalup Dr etc.

I made it, and with enough time to let my heart rate and blood pressure return to a more normal reading. Then I met my supervisor, Greg, who started putting me through the physical testing phase. Height and weight measured, a body scan to assess fat and muscle ratio, a walk on the treadmill hooked up to a breathing machine. My cool-down time was spent filling out the 9 questionnaires. Then we headed for the gym where I walked as fast as I could around a 400 metre circuit, tested my upper body strength limit, and lower body strength. I discovered that I can leg-press almost two and a half times my body weight. Apparently that’s impressive, so I just had to include that bit of information :)

Today I filled in my first entry on my record sheet. I took the dog for a walk and managed to get my heart rate up into the target range by including a little jog. Knowing that Greg is going to call me twice a week for the next 12 weeks is motivation to get out there and do the exercise. It will be another 6 weeks before I go back to the University and repeat the tests. A 12 week exercise program sounds like such a long time…

DJ (c) DJ Stutley 2013

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Good Monday Morning. I came across this the other day, and I couldn’t have worded it better, so with permission from Dr Dan…

As we run the race of life we all need encouragement and need to give it to others.   Matter of fact, the word comes from a combination of the prefix “en” which means “to put into” and the Latin word “cor” which means heart.   Encouragement is like an arrow that goes straight to one’s heart that has the power to inspire, infuse strength, and help someone who has grown weary in life’s race to continue on with patience and fortitude.   By our words and actions we can “put into the heart” of others that needed strength to help them through those tough stretches of life. We need to be part of that stadium of people who are shouting encouragement to those whose legs have grown weary. As well, if we listen closely we need to recognize and appreciate the many around us who are shouting encouragement to us.

Read the whole story here 

 When I look back over the years, I can see how far I’ve come because of encouragement given by those around me. I also see many people are where they are today because I was one who encouraged them.
Who will you encourage this week? Take note of those who encourage you, and thank them.

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