
Posts Tagged ‘time to die’

photo of Donna RoseFollowing on from last week, verse 2 of Ecclesiastes 3 reads: (there is) a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and aMum time to uproot.

Births and Deaths. These two pictures are of my mother. The first was taken when she was about 8 years old, I think. The other was the last formal picture taken before she died at the age of 52. Next week she would have been celebrating her 78th birthday. She didn’t change much in those 44 years, did she?

Even though she’s been gone for 26 years, I still miss her very much. I often catch myself thinking ‘Mum would have loved this.’ She died when our youngest of 4 children was just 1-year-old.  That child now has two children and we are looking forward to the birth of our 8th grandchild. It saddens me to think of all that she has missed out on.

gardenPlanting and uprooting. The seasons are changing so fast, that if we don’t hurry up, we’ll not get our next season of vegetables planted. We had to ‘uproot’ the last of the celery and capsicums in order to fill the raised garden beds with wonderful rich compost. I’m excited when I look at this and imagine what it will look like in 3 or 4 months time. Before we know it we will be enjoying the produce.

Planting and uprooting can also be looked at in another context – that of moving to a different house, or town – or even country. If this is you, try to put down roots and grow where you are.

A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.

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How do you fill the aching hole in your heart when someone you love is no longer there? My dear Aunt Phyllis passed away in her sleep, just as the doctors said she would. She had a fall at home, and what they found when they got her to hospital, was that she probably had 1 – 3 months to live. She was 74.

Who’s going to make me biscuits and gravy when I go back to the US? Who’s going to introduce me to such wonderful and strange foods like Chicken Fried Steak, and Fried Cornmeal Mush with Ham?

Oklahoma RoseIt never occurred to me that it would end like this. In the back of my mind I always thought that one day I would be showing her the sights of Perth and taking her to our famous Kings Park and doing the tree-top walk. This picture is of the newest rose in my rose garden, the Oklahoma. She will be buried in Oklahoma today.

I am reminded of a verse in the bible: (NIV) Ecclesiastes 3: 1,2. There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die…

Our sadness will soon be replaced with Joy. We have a new grandchild due to be born any day now, and plans are in full swing. The nursery is ready, the pram scrubbed clean, the soft toys all washed, the baby car seat in their car ready. Grandma and Grandad (us) are on standby to look after the other children.

Thank you Lord, that there is a time to mourn and a time to be glad. And thank you for the people who crisscross our lives.


(c) DJ Stutley 2013

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