Today I had my hair cut by a very talented young man, Sarj. He’s the only person I’ve come across who can cut my curly hair so that for the next month it looks nice even when it’s windblown. I always come away feeling great. He greets me with a smile of recognition, and calls me ‘darling’, ‘sweetheart’ and ‘my dear’.
I was early today, and sat and watched him weave his magic with a pair of scissors and a comb. His client had arrived only seconds before me, looking frazzled. Her thinning short hair flat against her head. When he’d finished, he’d totally transformed the woman in the chair. She was smiling and had a hair style that resembled one of the posters. He called her ‘darling’ and urged her to enjoy the rest of her day. She went out with her head held high and a smile on her face. Then it was my turn…
I wonder if Sarj has any idea the effect his words, and skill with the scissors, has on his clients.
More often than not, we have no idea how our words affect others. I was surprised and humbled this week to read the following on another blog.
Thank you, Nancy, for your kind words.
(c) DJ Stutley 2013